Why Invest in FILM

Investing in UK films and TV Productions can offer generous returns and is recession proof. The benefits extend far beyond the sale of box office tickets in 2022. 

Great Incentives & Earnings

The chance to be part of the magic of the movie industry is another perk of many-film investments opportunities.

In some cases, your investment entitles you to appear in the movie or TV show as an extra, attend film premieres/TV sets and red-carpet events and see your name appear at the end of the film or TV credits.

The UK film and TV industry is a thriving business with an impressive history.

Despite the financial crisis the film and TV industry remained buoyant and continued to make money and offer good returns for investors, while other industries struggled. A recent report by the British Film Institute (BFI) showed that the UK film and TV industry is a valuable part of the UK creative industries, with a turnover in excess of £7.3 billion and a direct contribution to gross Domestic Product of 2.9 million.

MAHA films is offering unique film and TV investment opportunities with a return that can last a lifetime.

Investing with MAHA films on smaller production budgets offer the chance to make more profits for the investor with less risk than a Hollywood Production with a huge production budget., where overheads need to be recouped before investors will see a return.

MAHA films do not need to be a huge success at the box office in order to receive a return on their investment, that’s the benefit of investing with us.

It is important to note that the above benefits are subject to the particular film and TV show plus the amount invested in the production.

If you are interested in investing in film, please use the contact details below: